Via Ferrata

通过DU的户外体验,在落基山脉发现Via Ferrata的刺激-这是大学校园里唯一的铁路. 在惊险刺激的旅程中,我们的导游会确保您的安全, adventure, and stunning natural landscapes.

我们热衷于在红羽毛湖的基地提供难忘的冒险体验, Colorado. We'll see you at the summit.


rock landscape

When was the last time you tried something new?


Only one climber needs to reserve your group's date. A $150 deposit is required during registration, 剩下的费用将在登山当天到肯尼迪山校区报到时支付.

Reserve Your Climb

Via Ferrata Adventures



欢迎来到肯尼迪山校区的“The Crest”,这里是适合所有技能水平的理想冒险之地. Set against the picturesque backdrop of Cliff Lake, 这条初学者友好的路线为via ferrata提供了令人兴奋的介绍, 确保新手和经验丰富的登山者都有难忘的经历.

踏上旅程,将惊险刺激的600英尺电缆保护攀登与悬崖湖的宁静美景相结合. At the summit, 360度欣赏罗斯福国家森林壮丽的自然风光.  

对于那些想把自己的经验提升到一个新的水平的人, 我们为团队建设和团结提供可选的挑战. 参加100英尺长的挑战课程,其中包含多种元素,将测试你的团队合作和沟通技巧, which are embedded within the via ferrata. 这是一个共同克服障碍、建立更紧密联系的机会.  

As if that weren't enough, adventurers can choose from additional options, 比如从山顶用绳索下降,或者尝试攀岩. “The Crest”Via Ferrata Course不仅仅是一次攀登——它是一种身临其境的体验,迎合了所有层次的冒险者, 在大自然最令人惊叹的画布之一的背景下创造记忆和培养友情. 加入我们的难忘之旅,初学者友好通过ferrata遇到宁静的美丽的詹姆斯C. Kennedy Mountain Campus.

the crest route
looking up the crest route
group hiking up via ferrata
2.5 hour duration, 8500 feet elevation summit, 1170 feet of climbing, intermediate and advanced difficulty, ages 13+


欢迎来到“马戏团”-一个令人振奋的冒险依偎在罗斯福国家森林的惊人景观. Our course offers a thrilling array of routes, 从中级蓝方块到高级黑钻石挑战.

Reach new heights as you navigate the 1,170 feet of cable-protected climbing in The Cirque, 哪个地方能为每一位冒险家提供令人瞠目结舌的美景和刺激肾上腺素的攀登. 在陡峭的100英尺黑钻石“头墙上测试你的勇气,“这是一个艰巨的挑战,可能会把有经验的登山者推向极限. 

对于那些寻求刺激和令人敬畏的风景的平衡, embark on the blue square East Ridge route. 有壮观的景色和通风的感觉, 这条中间路线提供了冒险和自然美景的平衡融合.

Reach the summit at 8,500英尺高,可以360度欣赏罗斯福国家森林的美景. The natural beauty of the landscape, 再加上驾驭这些具有挑战性的路线所带来的快感, 这使得菲拉塔马戏团成为大多数冒险家难忘的经历.

the cirque route
looking across at the cirque route

Chart Your Course

DU Students

Go solo or team up with friends at special rates. 此外,我们的户外体验团队提供全包的项目,通过费拉塔攀登.

Other Trips


An estimated 4-5 hour experience ranges from $149 to $389 per person for groups of up to 6. Pricing breakdown below!

Book Now


Ask about a custom program for your group of over 6! And, if you're booking your event 与我们一起,探索令人兴奋的附加项目,如攀岩.

Learn More

Group Size Price per Person
1 $389
2 $289
3 $239
4 $199
5 $169
6 $149
6+ Please contact us for a custom quote!

DU社区可以期待独家折扣价格,并有其他机会在KMC项目中体验Via Ferrata.

Why Choose Us?

Quality Equipment


Spectacular Views

在整个冒险过程中,让自己沉浸在令人惊叹的风景中. 而前往肯尼迪山校区是无障碍的, via ferrata路线提供了一种遥远的感觉,可以看到北部前沿山脉的美丽景色.


Flexible Packages


Expert Staff


Your Ultimate Adventure Awaits    Book Now
Safety First

Your safety is our top priority. Before every adventure, 我们提供全面的安全简报,以确保所有参与者都有充分的信息和准备. Our equipment, including Salewa Lanyards, Petzl Harnesses, and Helmets, 经过定期检查,以达到最高的行业标准. We conduct weekly inspections of our via ferratas, and our design partners at Via Ferrata Works, along with the State of Colorado, 进行年度评估以确保最大限度的安全.

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The Outdoor Experience

将DU的社区与丹佛的户外联系起来, at the Kennedy Mountain Campus, and beyond to develop essential life skills.